International Patients

The University Children’s Hospital Zurich has been providing comprehensive and child-centered care to patients from all over the world for many years. Please contact our «International Office» for further information.

Our offer

Our International Office acts as a first point of contact and is in close communication with all internal departments. Our team will provide you with expert assistance and takes care of your individual requests. We will supply you with all information you need from a single source.

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Contact us.

Click here

Contact form for international patients ENG/GER

Full details of your child
Complete details of the contact person for handling the treatment
Documents and medical reports
Please upload your documents only in English or German.

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Erlaubte Dateitypen: pdf, png, gif, jpg, jpeg, tif.

By submitting the form, you agree that your personal data may be stored by us in accordance with our privacy policy (GER).
Ein Portrait der Leiterin der internationalen office Cornelia Goller


Guest Relations & International Office